20 Fun Questions About You Survey from Quizopolis.com
Your name? - hafiza azira bt nazaria
How old are you? - im 20 this year.
Do you have a bf/gf? - yes.. and his name muhd iqbal
Are you a girl or a boy? - girl
How many points do you have right now? - what point?????
Do you like to play sports? - yes.. i play squash..
Do you like to chat in chat rooms? - i hate chatting.. but not with my sweetheart..
Do you take care of your teeth? - yes.. this coming monday i want cuci gigi..
What do you wanna be when you grow up? =) - accountant or CEO maybe.. LOL
Do you have a pop up blocker installed? - i think so
Do you watch the show one tree hill? - no.. i\'ve no time to watch tv
Do you have your own personal computer? -
Do you perfer a desktop or a laptop? - laptop!!
Do you like it when you wake up and your hair is messy? - oh yeah! lt look sexy.. LOL
Do you have acne? - no.. but i\'ve whitehead on my face.. i hate it!!
Which smiley do you perfer =), (@_@), or (*_*)? - mine! (^_^)
Did you like this survey? - maybe
Send me a friends request if you wanna? - .................
Feel free to say what you want? - huh???
Oh ya your favorite color is what? - pink and red!!
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com